Floating for youtube chrome

Floating for youtube chrome right now, I'm not going to stop!)

Well, I said I would just follow this video and follow the steps I took and since then, I have been seeing youtube videos that show how to manipulate the size of my page when I choose FontScaler settings in Editor. I even saw a video where the developer demonstrated how to get rid of the unused Mouse. I know it's not ideal, but if you want a bigger page then make sure you have Adobe Flash installed on your computer.

Before I tell you how I did this, I'll show you how to provide a floating menu for your Font Scaler. If you don't want it to be a float, just go to Settings > Fonts > Miscellaneous > Exposure. Don't worry, now I know what I'm doing and how to do it. It is simple and doesn't require me to use some magic tricks.

tl;dr: Youtube video demonstrates how to scroll your F2 menu with a floated menu and on the other hand, the developeer demonstrates a method for disabling floating pills.

p.s. I did not post this to the news though. I didn't want you to see how I messed up the Font Manager!

Note: You don't have to use this technique in every case though. If the settings you used are different, still your page will feel completely fixed and smooth. I found this technique to be great with my Firefox websites, I chose the light tone for the smaller fonts and the shading was pretty standard.

The technique behind scrolling your Fava menu is very simple and I had several people to try it out (and so did I).

First, let's get to the basics. What is the size? The size is related to the X and Y coordinates of the text, but since we are going to be looking for floating lines, I will use the Tangent Systems to measure the size. I do this with an FOSS calculator. It's free and I don't mind if people go looking for a paid version.

Look for the following user input:

Enter the following values:
